Source code for borgcube.core.models

import datetime
import inspect
import logging
import re
from pathlib import Path

import uuid
from django.conf import settings
from django.core import validators
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.http import Http404
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils import timezone
from django import forms

import persistent
import transaction
from BTrees.LOBTree import LOBTree as TimestampTree
from BTrees.LOBTree import LOBTree
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
from persistent.list import PersistentList
from persistent.dict import PersistentDict

from recurrence.forms import RecurrenceField

import borg.archive
from borg.helpers import Location

import borgcube
from borgcube.utils import data_root, hook

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

slug_validator = validators.RegexValidator(
    message=_('Enter a valid identifier consisting of letters, numbers, dashes, underscores or dots (._-).'),

[docs]class NumberTree(LOBTree):
[docs] def insert(self, value): try: key = self.maxKey() except ValueError: # empty key = 0 key += 1 super().insert(key, value) return key
def __reversed__(self): """Yield values in descending (high to low) key order..""" key = 2**63 while True: try: key = self.maxKey(key - 1) except ValueError: return yield self[key] reversed = __reversed__
[docs]class PersistentDefaultDict(PersistentDict): def __init__(self, *args, factory): super().__init__(*args) self.factory = factory def __getitem__(self, item): try: return super().__getitem__(item) except KeyError: v = self[item] = self.factory() return v
[docs]class StringObjectID: @property def oid(self): return self._p_oid.lstrip(b'\0').hex()
[docs]class Updateable: def _update(self, d): self.__dict__.update(d) self._p_changed = True
[docs]class Volatility: _volatile = () def __getstate__(self): state = super().__getstate__() for volatile in self._volatile: state.pop(volatile, None) return state
[docs]def evolve(from_version=1, to_version=None): def decorator(function): function._evolves_from = from_version function._evolves_to = to_version return function return decorator
[docs]class Evolvable(persistent.Persistent, StringObjectID, Updateable): """ Main class for persistent data in BorgCube. This provides a means for online data migration ("evolution"). For this both objects and classes are versioned through the `version` attribute. When an object is written to the database the current `version` is stored along with it (via `__getstate__`), while retrieving an object may evolve it to the current version of the class. This is best illustrated with a simple example:: class Dog(Evolvable): def __init__(self): pass Fair enough. We acquire some dogs, but notice we forgot a few things, which we want to add:: class Dog(Evolvable): def __init__(self, good_boy, food_bowl): self.good_boy = good_boy self.food_bowl = food_bowl New code will expect these attributes to be available, so it would fail with older dogs. We fix this through evolution:: class Dog(Evolvable): version = 2 @evolve(from_version=1, to_version=2) def added_important_things(self): self.good_boy = True self.food_bowl = FoodBowl.find_free_bowl_or_create_one() def __init__(self, good_boy, food_bowl): self.good_boy = good_boy self.food_bowl = food_bowl If now an old dog (version=1) is loaded, the system will notice that and run `added_important_things`, which will perform the changes needed to match version=2 dogs. Note that this is subject to the regular transaction rules, so when, after loading old objects, no commit happens, the in-database data isn't updated -- the evolution would happen again next time they are loaded. You can also provide shortcuts (or leaps), if there is a better upgrade path between certain versions, like so:: class Dog(Evolvable): version = 7 @evolve(from_version=2, to_version=7): def direct_upgrade_2to7(self): ... @evolve(from_version=2, to_version=3): def upgrade_2to3(self): ... Note that evolution isn't a SAT-solver, but works in a short-circuit way; in each step the largest leap is selected. Hidden paths are not considered. """ version = 1 # The simple-but-wrong way to implement this is to do changes to the state or even the object # in __setstate__. This is completely illegal, and leads to the object being marked unmodified # (while it actually was modified), and also leads to objects added to the object graph not # being registered properly. Since the object is unchanged it wouldn't be reset on a rollback, # so it would leak into the next transaction. # # Instead one has to look at the points where unghostification happens. Note that persistent # doesn't call into _p_activate for unghostification, rather these calls are inlined # (in the C implementation; the Python implementation always calls into _p_activate). # # These are: # - _p_activate # - tp_getattro (~ __getattribute__) # - tp_setattro (~ __setattr__) # - _p_getattr # - _p_setattr # - _p_delattr # - __getstate__ # - Per_set_changed # - Per_get_mtime # # This probably means a fair hit in performance, which could be avoided if the C implementation # would go through the _p_activate method instead of unghostify() (of course this would then be # a bit slower for unghostifying and wouldn't be much use if it's not used; using a separate slot # might help). def _p_activate(self): ghost = self._p_jar is not None and self._p_changed is None super()._p_activate() if ghost: self._evolve() def __getattribute__(self, attr): ga = persistent.Persistent.__getattribute__ if attr.startswith(('_p_', '_v_')): return ga(self, attr) self._p_activate() return ga(self, attr) def __setattr__(self, k, v): ghost = self._p_jar is not None and self._p_changed is None if ghost: self._evolve() super().__setattr__(k, v) def _p_getattr(self, k): ghost = self._p_jar is not None and self._p_changed is None if ghost: self._evolve() return super()._p_getattr(k) def _p_setattr(self, k, v): ghost = self._p_jar is not None and self._p_changed is None if ghost: self._evolve() super()._p_setattr(k, v) def _p_delattr(self, k): ghost = self._p_jar is not None and self._p_changed is None if ghost: self._evolve() return super()._p_delattr(k) def __getstate__(self): ghost = self._p_jar is not None and self._p_changed is None if ghost: self._evolve() state = super().__getstate__() state.setdefault('version', self.version) return state def _set_changed(self, value): ghost = self._p_jar is not None and self._p_changed is None if ghost: self._evolve() persistent.Persistent._p_changed.__set__(self, value) _p_changed = property(persistent.Persistent._p_changed.__get__, _set_changed, persistent.Persistent._p_changed.__delete__) @property def _p_mtime(self): ghost = self._p_jar is not None and self._p_changed is None if ghost: self._evolve() return persistent.Persistent._p_mtime.__get__(self) def _evolve(self): current_version = type(self).version needs_evolution = self.version != current_version if needs_evolution: def evolves(member): is_method = inspect.ismethod(member) if not is_method: return False return hasattr(member, '_evolves_from') and hasattr(member, '_evolves_to') log.debug('Evolving object %r from version %d to version %d', self, self.version, current_version) transitory_sacrifices = list(zip(*inspect.getmembers(self, predicate=evolves)))[1] log.debug('Possible evolutionary paths are: %s', ', '.join(f.__name__ for f in transitory_sacrifices)) while self.version != current_version: possible_evolution = [] for evolve in transitory_sacrifices: if self.version == evolve._evolves_from: possible_evolution.append(evolve) possible_evolution.sort(key=lambda evolve: evolve._evolves_to) evolve = possible_evolution.pop() log.debug('Evolution is at version %d, next mutation is %s', self.version, evolve.__name__) evolve() self.version = evolve._evolves_to log.debug('Evolution completed.')
[docs]class DataRoot(Evolvable): """ The DataRoot has the following attributes: :ivar repositories: a `PersistentList` of `Repository` instances. :ivar archives: an `OOBTree` mapping hex archive IDs to `Archive` instances. :ivar clients: an `OOBTree` mapping host names to `Client` instances. :ivar jobs: an `OOBTree` mapping TODO to `Job` instances. :ivar jobs_by_state: an `OOBTree` mapping job states to trees of `Job` instances. :ivar schedules: a `PersistentList` of `Schedule` instances. :ivar ext: a `PersistentDict` of extension data (see `plugin_data`, **do not use directly**). """ version = 6
[docs] @evolve(1, 2) def add_ext_dict(self): self.ext = PersistentDict()
[docs] @evolve(2, 3) def ensure_base_job_states(self): pass # superseded
[docs] @evolve(3, 4) def defaultdict(self): self.jobs_by_state = PersistentDefaultDict(self.jobs_by_state, factory=TimestampTree)
[docs] @evolve(4, 5) def numbered_jobs(self): = NumberTree( for state in self.jobs_by_state: self.jobs_by_state[state] = LOBTree() for id, job in self.jobs_by_state[state][id] = job
[docs] @evolve(5, 6) def add_triggers(self): self.trigger_ids = OOBTree()
def __init__(self): self.repositories = PersistentList() # hex archive id -> Archive self.archives = OOBTree() # client hostname -> Client self.clients = OOBTree() # job number -> Job # note: this tree is the canonical source of job numbers. = NumberTree() # job state (str) -> NumberTree self.jobs_by_state = PersistentDefaultDict(factory=LOBTree) self.schedules = PersistentList() self.trigger_ids = OOBTree() self.ext = PersistentDict()
[docs] def plugin_data(self, factory): """ Return an instance generated (at some point in time) by *factory*. This should be used for storing plugin data, eg.:: class AwesomePluginData(Evolvable): name = 'awesome-plugin' def __init__(self): self.some_data = OOBTree() ... def show_some_data(request): # You might want to just put this in a separate helper (below) plugdat = data_root().plugin_data(AwesomePluginData) return TemplateResponse(...) # A sample helper def plugin_root(): return data_root().plugin_data(AwesomePluginData) A good *name* would be the entrypoint name of your plugin, or it's root module/package name. The *name* attribute on *factory* is not mandatory. If it is not present the qualified class name is used instead (eg. ````) """ try: name = except AttributeError: name = factory.__module__ + '.' + factory.__qualname__ try: return self.ext[name] except KeyError: log.debug('Initialized new data root for plugin %s', name) return self.ext.setdefault(name, factory())
[docs]class Repository(Evolvable): version = 2
[docs] @evolve(1, 2) def add_job_configs(self): self.job_configs = PersistentList()
def __init__(self, name, url, description='', repository_id='', remote_borg='borg'): = name self.url = url self.description = description self.repository_id = repository_id self.remote_borg = remote_borg = LOBTree() self.archives = OOBTree() self.job_configs = PersistentList() @property def location(self): return Location(self.url)
[docs] def latest_job(self): try: return[] except ValueError: return
def __str__(self): return
[docs] @staticmethod def oid_get(oid): for repository in data_root().repositories: if repository.oid == oid: return repository else: raise KeyError
[docs] class Form(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField() description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, required=False) url = forms.CharField(help_text=_('For example /data0/repository or user@storage:/path.'), label=_('URL')) repository_id = forms.CharField(min_length=64, max_length=64, label=_('Repository ID')) remote_borg = forms.CharField( help_text=_('Remote borg binary name (only applies to remote repositories).'), initial='borg', )
[docs] class ChoiceField(forms.ChoiceField):
[docs] @staticmethod def get_choices(): for repository in data_root().repositories: yield repository.oid, str(repository)
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(choices=self.get_choices, **kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self, value): value = super().clean(value) for repository in data_root().repositories: if repository.oid == value: return repository else: raise ValidationError(self.error_messages['invalid_choice'], code='invalid_choice')
[docs] def prepare_value(self, value): if not value: return return value.oid
[docs]class Archive(Evolvable): version = 2
[docs] @evolve(1, 2) def add_timestamps(self): self.timestamp = self.timestamp_end =
def __init__(self, id, repository, name, client=None, job=None, comment='', nfiles=0, original_size=0, compressed_size=0, deduplicated_size=0, duration=datetime.timedelta(), timestamp=None, timestamp_end=None): = id self.repository = repository self.client = client self.job = job = name self.comment = comment self.nfiles = nfiles self.original_size = original_size self.compressed_size = compressed_size self.deduplicated_size = deduplicated_size self.duration = duration self.timestamp = timestamp self.timestamp_end = timestamp_end data_root().archives[id] = self repository.archives[id] = self if client: client.archives[id] = self @property def ts(self): return self.timestamp
[docs] def delete(self, manifest, stats, cache): borg_archive = borg.archive.Archive(manifest.repository, manifest.key, manifest,, cache=cache) borg_archive.delete(stats) del data_root().archives[] del self.repository.archives[] if self.client: del self.client.archives[]
[docs]class RshClientConnection(Evolvable): # 'Usually something like root@somehost, but you can also give a .ssh/config host alias, for example.' remote = '' # RSH rsh = 'ssh' # RSH options rsh_options = None # SSH identity file ssh_identity_file = None # Remote borg binary name remote_borg = 'borg' # Remote cache directory # If not specified the Borg default will be used (usually ~/.cache/borg/). remote_cache_dir = None def __init__(self, remote, rsh='ssh', rsh_options=None, ssh_identity_file=None, remote_borg='borg', remote_cache_dir=None): self.remote = remote self.rsh = rsh self.rsh_options = rsh_options self.ssh_identity_file = ssh_identity_file self.remote_borg = remote_borg self.remote_cache_dir = remote_cache_dir
[docs] class Form(forms.Form): prefix = 'connection' remote = forms.CharField() rsh = forms.CharField(initial='ssh') rsh_options = forms.CharField(required=False) ssh_identity_file = forms.CharField(required=False) remote_borg = forms.CharField(initial='borg') remote_cache_dir = forms.CharField(required=False)
[docs]class Client(Evolvable): version = 2
[docs] @evolve(1, 2) def add_job_configs(self): self.job_configs = PersistentList()
def __init__(self, hostname, description='', connection=None): self.hostname = hostname self.description = description self.connection = connection = LOBTree() self.archives = OOBTree() self.job_configs = PersistentList() data_root().clients[hostname] = self
[docs] def latest_job(self): try: return[] except ValueError: return
[docs] class Form(forms.Form): hostname = forms.CharField(validators=[slug_validator]) description = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea, required=False, initial='')
[docs]class s(str): def __new__(cls, str, translation): obj = super().__new__(cls, str) obj.verbose_name = translation return obj def __getnewargs__(self): return str(self), self.verbose_name
[docs]class JobExecutor: name = 'job-executor'
[docs] @classmethod def can_run(cls, job): blocking_jobs = [] if job.repository: for other_job in if other_job.state in Job.State.STABLE: continue blocking_jobs.append(other_job) hook.borgcube_job_blocked(job=job, blocking_jobs=blocking_jobs) if blocking_jobs: log.debug('Job %s blocked by running backup jobs: %s',, ' '.join('{} ({})'.format(, job.state) for job in blocking_jobs)) return not blocking_jobs
[docs] @classmethod def prefork(cls, job): pass
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, job): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Job(Evolvable): """ Core job model. A job is some kind of task that is run by borgcubed. Normally these are concerned with a repository, but if that's not the case - the field is nullable. Steps to implement a Job class: 1. Derive from this 2. Define additional states, if necessary, by deriving the State class in your model from `Job.State` 3. borgcubed needs to know how to run the job, therefore set *executor* to your *JobExecutor* subclass. 4. Relevant hooks: `borgcube_job_blocked`, `borgcubed_job_exit`. """ short_name = 'job' executor = JobExecutor
[docs] class State: job_created = s('job_created', _('Job created')) done = s('done', _('Finished')) failed = s('failed', _('Failed')) cancelled = s('cancelled', _('Cancelled')) STABLE = {job_created, done, failed, cancelled}
[docs] @classmethod def verbose_name(cls, name): return getattr(cls, name).verbose_name
def __init__(self, repository=None): self.created = self.timestamp_end = None self.timestamp_start = None self.repository = repository self.state = self.State.job_created = data_root().jobs.insert(self) if repository:[] = self data_root().jobs_by_state[self.state][] = self @property def duration(self): if self.timestamp_end and self.timestamp_start: return self.timestamp_end - self.timestamp_start else: return - (self.timestamp_start or self.created) @property def failed(self): return self.state == self.State.failed @property def done(self): return self.state == self.State.done @property def stable(self): return self.state in self.State.STABLE
[docs] def update_state(self, previous, to): with transaction.manager as txn: if self.state != previous: raise ValueError('Cannot transition job state from %r to %r, because current state is %r' % (previous, to, self.state)) borgcube.utils.hook.borgcube_job_pre_state_update(job=self, current_state=previous, target_state=to) del data_root().jobs_by_state[self.state][] self.state = to data_root().jobs_by_state[self.state][] = self self._check_set_start_timestamp(previous) self._check_set_end_timestamp() log.debug('%s: phase %s -> %s',, previous, to) txn.note('Job %s state update: %s -> %s' % (, previous, to)) borgcube.utils.hook.borgcube_job_post_state_update(job=self, prior_state=previous, current_state=to)
[docs] def force_state(self, state): with transaction.manager as txn: if self.state == state: return False log.debug('%s: Forced state %s -> %s',, self.state, state) self._check_set_start_timestamp(self.state) del data_root().jobs_by_state[self.state][] self.state = state data_root().jobs_by_state[self.state][] = self self._check_set_end_timestamp() txn.note('Job %s forced to state %s' % (, state)) borgcube.utils.hook.borgcube_job_post_force_state(job=self, forced_state=state) return True
[docs] def set_failure_cause(self, kind, **kwargs): borgcube.utils.hook.borgcube_job_failure_cause(job=self, kind=kind, kwargs=kwargs) self.force_state(self.State.failed) self.failure_cause = { 'kind': kind, } self.failure_cause.update(kwargs) transaction.get().note('Set failure cause of job %s to %s' % (, kind)) transaction.commit()
[docs] def log_path(self): short_timestamp = self.created.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat() logs_path = Path(settings.SERVER_LOGS_DIR) / str(self.created.year) file = self._log_file_name(short_timestamp) logs_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return logs_path / file
def _log_file_name(self, timestamp): return '%s-%s-%s' % (timestamp, self.short_name,
[docs] def delete(self, using=None, keep_parents=False): borgcube.utils.hook.borgcube_job_pre_delete(job=self) super().delete(using, keep_parents) try: self.log_path().unlink() except OSError: pass
def _check_set_start_timestamp(self, from_state): if from_state == self.State.job_created: self.timestamp_start = log.debug('%s: Recording %s as start time',, self.timestamp_start.isoformat()) def _check_set_end_timestamp(self): if self.state in self.State.STABLE: self.timestamp_end = log.debug('%s: Recording %s as end time',, self.timestamp_end.isoformat()) def __str__(self): return str(
[docs]class TriggerID(Evolvable): """ Defined access contexts are: - anonymous-web - local-cli """ def __init__(self, trigger, enabled=True, access=(), comment=''): self.trigger = trigger self.enabled = enabled self.access = tuple(access) self.comment = comment = str(uuid.uuid4()) data_root().trigger_ids[] = self def __str__(self): return '{} ({})'.format(, self.comment)
[docs] def run(self, access_context): if not self.enabled: log.debug('Ignoring disabled trigger ID %s', self) return if access_context not in self.access: log.warning('Ignoring trigger request from context %s (only %s is permitted)', access_context, ', '.join(self.access)) return log.debug('Running trigger ID %s', self) log.debug('Completed trigger ID %s', self)
[docs]class Trigger(Evolvable): def __init__(self, target): = target self.trigger_ids = PersistentList()
[docs]class Schedule(Evolvable): version = 4
[docs] @evolve(1, 2) def make_dtstart_implicit(self): self.recurrence.dtstart = self.recurrence_start del self.recurrence_start
[docs] @evolve(2, 3) def add_recurrence_enabled(self): self.recurrence_enabled = True
[docs] @evolve(3, 4) def add_trigger(self): self.trigger = Trigger(self.run_from_trigger)
def __init__(self, name, recurrence, recurrence_enabled=True, description=''): = name self.description = description self.recurrence = recurrence self.recurrence_enabled = recurrence_enabled self.actions = PersistentList()
[docs] def run_from_trigger(self): pass
[docs] class Form(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField() description = forms.CharField(required=False, initial='', widget=forms.Textarea) recurrence_enabled = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=True) recurrence_start = forms.DateTimeField(, help_text=_('The recurrence defined below is applied from this date and time onwards.<br/>' 'Eg. for daily recurrence the actions would be scheduled for the time set here.<br/>' 'The set time zone is %s.<br/>' 'Note that this date is <em>always</em> included in the schedule, even if it ' 'doesn\'t match the criteria.') % settings.TIME_ZONE ) recurrence = RecurrenceField(required=False) def __init__(self, data, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(data, *args, **kwargs) if 'recurrence' in self.initial: self.initial['recurrence_start'] = self.initial['recurrence'].dtstart
[docs] def clean(self): super().clean() if not self.errors: dtstart = self.cleaned_data.pop('recurrence_start') self.cleaned_data['recurrence'].dtstart = dtstart return self.cleaned_data
[docs]class DottedPath:
[docs] @classmethod def dotted_path(cls): return cls.__module__ + '.' + cls.__qualname__
[docs]class ScheduledAction(Evolvable, DottedPath): """ Implement this to add schedulable actions to the scheduler. Make sure that your implementation is imported, since these are implicitly discovered subclasses. """ name = ''
[docs] class Form(forms.Form): """ The form that should be presented for adding/modifying this action. This can be a ModelForm or modify the DB; the transaction is managed for you, and no additional transaction management should be needed. The usual form rules apply, however, note that .cleaned_data must be JSON serializable if .is_valid() returns true. This data will be used for instanciating the action class (*py_args*). .save() will be called with no arguments regardless of type, if it exists. """
[docs] @classmethod def form(cls, *args, **kwargs): form = cls.Form(*args, **kwargs) = form.dotted_path = cls.dotted_path() return form
def __init__(self, schedule): self.schedule = schedule def __str__(self): pass
[docs] def execute(self, apiserver): pass
[docs] @classmethod def get_class(cls, dotted_path): for action_class in cls.__subclasses__(): if action_class.dotted_path() == dotted_path: return action_class