Source code for borgcube.daemon.client

import logging

from django.conf import settings

import zmq

from ..utils import hook
from .utils import get_socket_addr

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class APIError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class APIClient: """ Client to talk to the backend daemon (borgcubed) All of these can raise zmq.ZMQError, zmq.Again etc. and these should be handled gracefully (ie not with a 500). """ def __init__(self, address=None, context=None): address = address or ('ipc://' + get_socket_addr('daemon')) self.socket = (context or zmq.Context.instance()).socket(zmq.REQ) self.socket.rcvtimeo = 2000 self.socket.sndtimeo = 2000 self.socket.linger = 2000 self.socket.connect(address) def __getattr__(self, item): handler = hook.borgcubed_client_call(apiclient=self, call=item) if not handler: raise AttributeError('No such API: %r' % item) return handler
[docs] def do_request(self, request_dict): """ Send *request_dict* to the borgcube daemon and return the response dictionary. """ self.socket.send_json(request_dict) return self.socket.recv_json()
[docs] def cancel_job(self, job): self.socket.send_json({ 'command': 'cancel-job', 'job_id':, }) reply = self.socket.recv_json() if not reply['success']: log.error('APIClient.cancel_job(%r) failed: %s',, reply['message']) raise APIError(reply['message'])'Cancelled job %s',
[docs] def stats(self): return self.do_request({'command': 'stats'})['stats']