Source code for borgcube.daemon.hookspec

import logging

from borgcube.vendor import pluggy

log = logging.getLogger('borgcubed')
hookspec = pluggy.HookspecMarker('borgcube')

[docs]@hookspec def borgcubed_startup(apiserver): """ Called after borgcubed has fully started up. *apiserver* is the daemon.APIServer instance handling this. Interesting APIs are: def error(self, message, *parameters): Log error *message* formatted (%) with *parameters*. Return response dictionary. def queue_job(self, job): Enqueue *job* instance for execution. """
[docs]@hookspec(firstresult=True) def borgcubed_handle_request(apiserver, request): """ Handle *request* and return a response dictionary. request['command'] is the command string. If this is not for you, return None. """
[docs]@hookspec def borgcubed_idle(apiserver): """ Called on every 'idle' iteration in the daemon. This typically occurs roughly every second. """
[docs]@hookspec def borgcubed_job_exit(apiserver, job, exit_code, signo): """ Called when a job child process is reaped. *job* is the job, while *exit_code* is the exit code of the process. *signo* is the POSIX signal number. If the process did not exit due to a signal, *signo* is zero. """
[docs]@hookspec(firstresult=True) def borgcubed_client_call(apiclient, call): """ Called if an unknown APIClient method *call* (str) is invoked. Return a client function that should handle the call. Return None if you don't care about it. You are likely interested in this *apiclient* API:: def do_request(self, request_dict): Send *request_dict* to the borgcube daemon and return the response dictionary. Don't forget to raise the appropiate APIError if the daemon returns an error. """